Supporting the Museum

The founding of the Villa dei Cedri Museum and the history of its collections show that the selfless generosity of organizations and people has played a fundamental role in the creation of this institution, which preserves, promotes and studies the artistic heritage of the city of Bellinzona.

There are many ways to support the museum and its activities:

  • Offering a financial contribution for the organization of an event, a temporary exhibition or an initiative linked to the preservation or restoration of the works in the collection.
  • Donating works, archive materials or art books that complete and enrich the collection.
  • Joining the Fondazione Amici di Villa dei Cedri.
  • Buying a special edition produced by the Museum.
  • Organising a private event at the Museum.


In exchange, contributors will be mentioned in the museum’s printed promotional materials (e.g. leaflets, invitations, posters, catalogues and advertising inserts), on the website, in the press release and on the presentation boards at the entrance to the museum.


Other opportunities, such as guided visits and special events, can be discussed and arranged with the museum's director. The Villa dei Cedri Scientific Committee will decide whether to accept donations and bequests.

Your contact person

Rossana Mangiagli

Administrative and Marketing Manager

Request Information
Phone +41 58 203 17 30

Museo Villa dei Cedri - Bellinzona Musei - Città di Bellinzona

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